heroic tavern
The Heroic Tavern Brawl scares most away Gamepedia

This week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl is only for people who consider themselves way too good at a children’s card game. In the Heroic Tavern Brawl, you construct a deck in the Standard format and compete against other players. Lose three games and you are out, just like regular Arena. Win your games and you get better Hearthstone heroic brawl rewards, maxing out at 12 wins, where you get three Legendaries, 50 packs and a ton of dust. Most of you will never get these rewards, and will most likely end up getting a win or two before quitting with one pack tucked between your legs.

The Heroic Tavern Brawl costs 1,000 gold or $9.99, and I cannot stress enough how you shouldn’t play this Brawl unless you are really really good at Hearthstone. This mode is only for those that have been playing the game for years, with massive collections of cards, match ups and every single piece of RNG accounted for. If you want to play a fun deck you made out of whatever Murlocs and Beasts you found in your collection, stick to Standard ladder.

If you are still with me, that means you are a madman or really good at Hearthstone. Playing top tier decks is the only way to win. I’ve already lost most of the gold I had saved for Journey To Un’Goro because I thought Jade Druid was strong enough (spoiler alert: it wasn’t).

Here are the three best decks in Standard, according to Tempo Storm’s Meta Snapshot:

Pirate Warrior - What Small Time Buccaneer nerf?

Aggro Rogue - Murlocs meet Rogue

Renolock - Do nothing for six turns, hope you have Reno Jackson in your hand, then end the game with a Jaraxxus in twenty minutes.

The meta is constantly evolving, so these might not be the best decks forever, but right now Aggro is king. Renolock is still a good deck, but it requires lots of thought, effort and patience. Pirate Warrior just goes face a lot, doing 30 damage before turn five.

If you are looking for a deck list that’s a bit more unique, reddit user EvidentHS has compiled decklists from streamers. There’s everything from Aggro Shaman to Midrange Hunter in there.

Remember, do not try Heroic Tavern Brawl unless you are way too good at Hearthstone. Still, if you think you are brave (or stupid) enough for the task, learn the ins and outs of everything your deck can do. Wasting gold is good for nobody.