The firefighter's weapon of choice was Coors Banquet beer, which he and the truck driver sprayed over the tire blaze. Reuters

A quick-thinking firefighter and the truck driver he was assisting gained control of a potentially dangerous blaze with the help of a refreshing brew.

Capt. Craig Moreau was traveling with his wife on Texas 71 on the way back from a trip to Austin on Jan. 6. As they rode down the highway, they noticed an 18-wheeler with smoke coming from its brakes, reports the Houston Chronicle. Moreau, who was off duty at the time, attempted to put the fire out using a small fire extinguisher that the driver had in the truck, but the fire was not squelched.

"I crawled underneath and thought we'd got it out but it flared back up," said Moreau. "So I said to the driver, 'What have you got in here?'" That's when the truck driver informed him, "It's beer! It's all beer."

Moreau and the driver immediately began to shake and spray the cans of Coors Banquet beer. The tire ultimately continued to burn and explode, but the pair was able to eventually extinguish the blaze with the beer before it reached the rest of the truck.

"I have no doubt if the beer hadn't been there, the whole trailer would have burned up," Moreau said. "A few more minutes down the road and it may not have worked."

He added that it is in a firefighter's "nature to help folks," but Monday's incident was "the first time I've done it with beer."