How To Cure A Hangover: 8 Tricks And Tips To Stop A Hangover In 2017 After Celebrating The New Year

It's easy to get caught up in New Year's Eve, where one drink turns to two turns to three and suddenly midnight has come and you're feeling a bit too ... festive. It's all in good fun. The problem is, it's now Sunday and you're struggling to recover from Saturday night's revelry.
The best method to avoid a hangover is to drink in moderate amounts, of course, but for those already past that point there are numerous cures to make sure you don't have to suffer for long. Here are eight methods that'll help ease the symptoms from your New Year's Eve fun.
1. Hydrate (with the right type of drink)
Sports drinks are a simple but effective way to ease a hangover. Things like Gatorade or a Vitamin Water Revive help ease a glucose deficiency that helps fuel your hangover. Coconut water has proven to help as well. Drinking alcohol, of course, makes you urinate a lot, which causes you to drain you body of salt. These drinks help replenish and rehydrate with electrolytes, which will help put the brake on a headache. There's also electrolyte tablets, like the brand Nuun, that are simply dissolved in water and are less caloric than Gatorade and Vitamin Water.
2. Eat fruit or drink fruit juice
Some research has shown that the fructose in fruits helps your body process alcohol. Other research is more skeptical, but at the very least the fruits will help replenish key vitamins that drinking helped drain, the Atlantic reported.
3. Load up on potassium
Bananas could be key to your recovery. The same article from the Atlantic cited a George Mason study that found upping your potassium intake helps you recover "proper nerve and muscle function." Avocado or orange juice could help in that regard as well.
4. Have some eggs
Eggs are loaded with amino acids, which help the liver get rid of toxins, according to Epicurious. "Eggs are high in cysteine, which goes to work on the toxin acetaldehyde, enemy #1 of the hearty drinker," the food site wrote.
5. Hair of the dog (but be wary)
Having another drink, like a Bloody Mary or mimosa will give you temporary relief. But beware, it's going to dehydrate you further. So if you're a hair of the dog type of person, be sure to pair it with some of the other cures on this list to make sure you're increasing hydration at the same time.
6. Rest with the lights off
Sometimes your best bet is to just stop moving. And with a likely sensitivity to light, it's probably best to keep the lights low. Relaxing with a movie can be helpful, and International Business Times has compiled a list of streaming options here. Naps help as well, even if it's only to forget the hangover exists for a minute.
7. Take some meds
A lot of us rush to take ibuprofen during a hangover, which is a good move, but be sure to take it with some food and water because it can further upset a queasy stomach. Be sure not to take anything with the ingredient acetaminophen, because it can "can cause serious liver problems when it mixes with alcohol," according to Web MD.
8. Carb up
Carbohydrates also help ease glucose deplete, so some toast, pancakes or waffles will help your hangover as well. BuzzFeed recommends a full English breakfast if you're going the carb route.
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