Nakula Das, Founder of the Powerhouse Man Program, is sharing the negative effects on the over sexualization of western society that has become commonplace in today's media.

According to Nakula, an overly promiscuous mainstream culture has warped perceptions of sex for society. He says too many facets of society promote a culture of hyper sexuality. This ranges from music, TV, social media and hook-up culture. It has become so integrated into our world that people don't notice any of the problems that arise from overly sexualized content in today's society. This type of ubiquitous content has created the shift in the way people should view sex.

How Nakula Das Is Working To Change
How Nakula Das Is Working To Change The Perceptions Of Sex In A Western Society That Has Become Promiscuous Pixabay

Nakula believes in reintroducing family values and promoting the idea that people can use healthy sexual relationships to further advance society and the communities around them. Nakula has found when people have a healthy sex life they are able to focus more on their long term goals, and the things that are important to them in their lives. He highlights the issues that oversexualization of society have created, particularly in men. When men spend too much of their time seeking sexual pleasure it becomes detrimental to their core values and responsibilities.

Seeking out women for one night stands or spending too much time surfing through pornography websites takes away the valuable time men could be spending with their families or in their communities.

Nakula operates the Powerhouse Man Program, which is a platform dedicated to helping men achieve their full potential. One of the biggest achievements Nakula has had with the platform is helping highly successful businessmen work through the boredom and monotony they struggle with. This boredom often leads many men to seek out unproductive sexual activities such as indiscriminately sleeping with women, drinking, partying and partaking in an unhealthy consumption of pornography.

To combat these problems in society through the Powerhouse Man Program, Nakula looks to examples of cultures and people throughout the world who have achieved prosperity through the regulation of sexual energy. He uses examples of highly successful businessmen like Steve Jobs and humanitarian leaders like Mahatma Gandhi who both would control their desire for sexual pleasure. Nakula also highlights practices that have been around for centuries like Brahmachari, which is another way to control sexual energy, and use it to pursue a higher quality of life.

Nakula has found through his own experiences and the Powerhouse Man Program that when men can overcome the hyper sexualization of society around them it makes them stronger and better people. Men will in turn become better providers for their families with high moral standards and values. Nakula says this keeps families together, which creates better and stronger communities.

According to Nakula , when society has leaders that don't stand up or speak out against the overt promiscuity that is taking place in society they are only contributing to it. He says this contribution is tearing apart the core values of society causing detrimental consequences. We can see the effects today in the over consumption of substances, divorce rates and hook up culture, which in reality leaves people feeling lonely and ashamed of themselves. There is a lack of people speaking up against the hyper sexualization forced on to today's society, which according to Nakula has become a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed.

Nakula says when people try to speak out against the effects of hypersexualization there is a backlash that they face. He has personal experience with people insulting him when tries to promote the benefits of a society that holds sex in a higher regard. He has become passionate about helping men build a stronger life for themselves and the world around them because of his own experiences of dissatisfaction with a promiscuous life.

During this time, Nakula began to think about how sex is perceived in western society and the reasons there is such a negative culture around it. He says it has become common for sex to be seen as something that is just a form of pleasure, but sex also has a deep psychological effect on the world. He says sex is a motivating drive for both men and women, and if we can better understand it with a more sacred perception then it can have beneficial implications for society as a whole. When we look at sex as portrayed crudely through the media then it becomes just an expression of desire not to be taken seriously, but when perceived with value it becomes a driving force for the betterment of society.

"The distorted perception of sex in our society is having drastic consequences for everyone, but especially men. We need to take the time and reintegrate values and moral standards to what it means to have sex," says Nakula. "If we can do this as a society it will have enormous benefits that help people and communities throughout the nation. We need to realize that the over-sexualization of so many parts of our society is only getting worse, and it has no benefits for our communities."