Just days after destructive Hurricane Ida, with damaging effects still lingering from the storm, the U.S. is bracing for another storm. Hurricane Larry is headed towards the Northeast coast.

Hurricane Larry is currently a Category 3 with a high chance of reaching a Category 4 with winds up to 130 to 156 mph. Larry was reported to have winds up to 125 mph on Saturday, according to the National Hurricane Center.

"While some fluctuation in strength is likely this week, Larry is forecast to gain strength and reach Category 4 hurricane status with maximum sustained winds of 130 to 156 mph, while over warm waters and minimal wind shear," said AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Tyler Roys.

Larry has been on watch as it intensifies and moves closer to land, it is about 880 miles east of the northern Leeward Islands. If it reaches land it could be a risk for East coast beaches.

This will account for the third major hurricane — a Category 3 or higher — in the Atlantic for this hurricane season which continues from June 1 through Nov. 30.

There was a possibility that Larry could move far West and go over Bermuda, AccuWeather senior meteorologist Randy Adkins said.

"However, as it currently stands, it appears more likely than not that Larry will still end up far enough to the east to spare Bermuda the brunt of the storm, Adkins said.

Hurricane Larry is not a direct threat to the U.S. but could cause large waves and rainstorms by late next week for Northeastern states and Canada.