Kate Middleton and Prince William
Prince William and Kate Middleton attend the 1st Battalion Irish Guards St Patrick's Day Parade at Cavalry Barracks on March 17, 2019 in Hounslow, England. Getty Images/Gareth Fuller

Did Kate Middleton and Prince William dance?

On Tuesday, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge joined Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace’s garden party. Following the event, a photo of Prince William and Middleton seemingly dancing together made rounds online.

In the snap, one of Middleton’s hand swings mid-air while she smiles and looks at Prince William. On the other hand, Prince William is pointing a finger at something. The photo gives a “dance musical” vibe according to the royal fans.

According to Lucy Stafford who was among the guests at the event, the picture was taken when the couple was about to leave the party. There was a story why they appeared to be dancing and that was because they were just in a hurry.

“As they were leaving the party, Kate was spending a lot of time talking to the guests and William had to hurry her along, which is the moment the photo was taken! I feel so fortunate to have attended the party and will definitely never forget it!” Stafford told Hello!

Stafford considered it the “loveliest day” and enjoyed the delicious afternoon tea in the gardens. She added that the royal family was “incredibly kind and genuine.”

As for Prince William and Middleton’s photo, the duchess revealed earlier that she struggles with the art of walkabouts and still has to learn it.

“Everybody teases me in the family that I spend far too long chatting. I still have to learn a little bit more, and to pick up a few more tips, I suppose,” Middleton confessed.

Earlier this week, Prince William and Middleton were accused of stealing Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s thunder after they shared family photos on the same day the couple posted never-before-seen pictures of their wedding to celebrate their anniversary. At present, it’s taboo to share photos on the same day a close relative does.

According to royal correspondent Camilla Tominey, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are not backing off when it comes to their social media clashes. Tominey said that Prince William and Middleton don’t want to be overshadowed while Prince Harry and Markle don’t want to be sidelined.