Does Kihmberlie ring a bell? Instagram is an amazing platform to showcase one’s talent, skills and creativity. One model took advantage of this opportunity and showed the world how ingenious she is.

Celebrities, social media personalities and models like the Kardashians, Jenners, Cara Delevigne, Selena Gomez, etc. use the social media platform Instagram to endorse branded products for several reasons. First, most people nowadays use Instagram as much as they use Facebook so there are more audience.

Second, all you need to do is connect to the Internet, install the Instagram app and voila —Instagram! You can promote pretty much anything within the tip of your finger, tagging it with “paid partnership with…”

This platform is indeed one of the easiest, most convenient way to promote something. While there are famous celebs who went all out in their photo shoots using the latest photography equipment to get their much desired effect, Kihmberlie did otherwise. She proved that photo shoots don’t necessarily have to be expensive.

Kihmberlie’s uploaded a snap on Instagram which immediately became the talk of the town. In her caption, she revealed that she used her mom’s trash bin to create a glamorous photo shoot background. The same was posted in her Twitter account ig:@kihmberlie.

So who is this Instagram model?

She might go with the name Kihmberlie on Instagram and Twitter but her real name is Kimberly Douglas. The 23-year-old model, according to the report of Fox News, told the said news outlet her inspiration for these “creative modeling shots” came from everything and anything.

Not only that she was creative, she was also resourceful. Apparently, it wasn’t her original plan. The Instagram model ran out of time to do what she had planned for; hence, she grabbed her mom’s trash bin, flash light and did that amazing shot.

Not only that, Khimberlie took it to Twitter and enumerated the materials she used for that photo shoot.

The now-famous Instagram model is apparently a one-army crew. She’s the model, yes, but she is also the one preparing her own photo shoots and shares them on social media, Bored Panda reported.

The Instagram model reportedly revealed the said news outlet that her realization of becoming a model hit her when she was in college, while styling a woman and teaching her how to pose.

It’s been reportedly 3 years since she started doing this and she admitted that the initial stage was really difficult. She didn’t have a decent camera before so she started this thing off using her mobile phone.

The rising Instagram/social media model may not please everyone but that does that really even matter? For Kihmberlie there’s always a way to create that something you want even if it looks impossible.

More importantly, Kihmberlie revealed that she prays before she her shoots and she knew that it helps.