Moo Cow Alistar can't milk those Surrender@20

I always love what Riot Games cooks up for April Fools, also known as Urf Day, in League of Legends. This year is no exception, with Riot unveiling four new skins to play with on the PBE. There’s Moo Cow Alistar, Kog’maw dressed as a Pug, Super Kennen and Renektoy. Riot really knows how to make a joke skin, they have perfected the art of the “lol.”

My favorite part has to be Pug Kog’maw scratching his butt on the ground in his idle animation. I never thought a monster from the Void could have such cute features.

Here are the textures, straight from Moobeat at Surrender@20 :

Moo Cow Alistar

Moo Cow Alistar Surrender@20


Pug'Maw Surrender@20
Pug'maw Surrender@20

Super Kennen

Super Kennen
Super Kennen Surrender@20


Renektoy Surrender@20

There’s also a bunch of new Chromas for past Urf Day skins, including Meowaki, Dino Gnar and Surprise Party Amumu. Riot seems to be trying something a bit different with Amumu’s Chroma. His balloons switch to different characters from around Runeterra depending on which color you apply. I plan on buying the yellow color swatch because that Ziggs balloon just makes me happy.

The Galio rework is on the PBE as well, along with a new voiceover for Lux. Her lines have been updated to talk with other League champions, like Lucian and Garen, but she still has a few of her classic lines. No matter what Riot does, Lux will always explain what a double rainbow actually is.

Pug'maw will cost 975 RP, and Super Kennen and Renktoy will be 750 RP. This post will be updated when we get more information.

How do you feel about these new League Of Legends Urf Day skins? Tell us in the comments.