Man Throws Rocks At Kindergarten Because The Children Were Noisy And 'Disturbing His Rest'

A man walked up to a kindergarten and threw rocks at the school building because the children’s singing disturbed his sleep. The incident took place in Java, Indonesia, on Thursday.
Police said the 38-year-old man, identified as Jaya, threw rocks at the kindergarten building as he was “livid.”
“The kids in the Islamic kindergarten were singing and learning. And then a witness saw the culprit approach the school and threw rocks at it twice. The culprit shouted at a teacher, ‘You’re too noisy! You’re disturbing my rest!’” Cibarusah Police Chief Sukarman said in a statement.
He added that no one was injured in the incident. Sukarman, however, said the children were frightened by what happened but the teacher immediately took them inside the classroom and ensured that they were safe.
“No child was traumatized,” he said.
Investigation was ongoing and Jaya may be charged with “committing an unpleasant act.” He could face up to one year in prison if found guilty.
Meanwhile, the kindergarten management and teacher have not pressed charged against the accused. They were scheduled to meet the accused in a mediation session this week and were ready to forgive Jaya if he promises to not repeat his actions.