Mila Kunis Chicken Lawsuit Dropped By Kristina Karo; Aspiring Singer Prays 'Doggie' Found Peace In 'Chicken Heaven'

Looks like “Family Guy” actress Mila Kunis won’t be going to court over the reported theft of a bird more than two decades ago in Ukraine. Kristina Karo, an alleged childhood friend of the star, dropped the lawsuit demanding that the actress pay her $5,000 for a stolen pet chicken named Doggie 25 years ago.
Karo told TMZ on Thursday that she will no longer seek monetary damages from Kunis. Following several discussions with her therapist, she’s forgiven the “Jupiter Ascending” actress.
“I've learned to forgive in my heart the people who have wronged me, like Mila,” Karo said. “There is only one judge and that is God. I pray for her soul and the soul of Doggie, that he has found peace finally in chicken heaven.”
Karo filed a lawsuit against Kunis in late April, alleging that her pet was stolen out of jealousy when both women were children. Karo is an aspiring singer and had released her first music video six months earlier.
"I was devastated. I was weeping. I was dumbfounded," Kunis said sarcastically in a Meerkat video response to the lawsuit in April, according to USA Today. She also said that “emotionally, I’ve been served.”
Karo told TMZ that her story touched fans so much they helped her raise the money to pay her therapy bills and the lawsuit was no longer needed. However, Kunis joked in her video that she may be seeking damages of her own.
"I would like to launch a counter $5,000 lawsuit for sitting there making me watch your music video!" she said.
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