National Pet Obesity Day is commemorated every year on the second Wednesday in October to bring awareness about the health and obesity of your animal companion.

Here are some surprising facts about pet obesity that will help you understand the gravity of the issue:

  1. Pets who have more than 20% of their ideal weight are considered obese. According to a survey by Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) in 2018, 55.8% of dogs and 59.5% of cats in the U.S were obese or overweight.
  2. In another survey conducted among pet owners, 22% of dog owners and 15% of cat owners said their pets were normal weight when they were actually obese. Only 51% of pet owners could identify the issue.
  3. Pet obesity increased more than ever during the pandemic due to overfeeding and less physical activity. In a survey conducted recently among the owners of obese pets, 30% of them said their pets became obese during the pandemic. Most owners overestimate the amount of feed their pets can take, resulting in the latter becoming overweight.
  4. Obesity in animals can lead to several health issues like arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, certain cancers, and heart and respiratory disease.
  5. According to research by Purina Lifespan Study, a dog's life span reduces by two years if it is obese.
  6. Obesity is the primary health issue in pet birds.
  7. Studies have shown that obese pet owners tend to have obese pets and the correlation is more significant in dog owners than in cat owners.
obese pet
obese pet pixabay

Here are some simple steps to help your obese pet:

  1. If you identify obesity in your pets, help them by taking them to your vet, who can then determine the extent of the issue based on their body condition score (BCS).
  2. It is not a recommended idea to put your pet on a diet just by reducing the volume of the current feed, as it can lead to malnutrition. You should consult a vet to get a scientifically formulated diet plan for your pet to help it achieve healthy and safe weight reduction.
  3. Along with an adequate nutritional diet, pets also need a good exercise regime to stay healthy.