Prince William and Prince George
Pictured: Prince William and Prince George at a children's party for Military families during the Royal Tour of Canada on Sept. 29, 2016 in Victoria, Canada. Getty Images/Chris Jackson

Prince George could be best friends with his cousin, Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor. But as they get older, the future king could put all of the blame on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s firstborn.

Glynis McCants, a celebrity numerologist, broke down Archie’s number chart during her interview with Daily Mail. While using the 2,500-year-old Pythagoras’ Numbers System, McCants managed to create a numerology blueprint for the newest addition to the royal family.

“Archie is a five life path. This tells us he is naturally matched to his father, Prince Harry, whose chart reads 45961*/6… Archie’s five life path makes it clear that he will be the life of the party… He’ll have a great sense of humor that will lighten up the energy of any room he enters,” she said.

But as Archie gets older, he will become more and more restless. He may also hang out with the wrong crowd and get into trouble. When the Duke of Sussex was much younger, he also faced a lot of trouble himself.

According to McCants, both Archie and Prince George also have the numbers two, three and five in their chart so they are going to get along like a house on fire.

“You will see the connection between them whenever they are together. But as they get older and enter their teen years, their shared fives will also get them into shared mischief… And when something does go down, look for George to insist it’s not his fault, leaving Archie to take the rap,” she said.

As of late, Prince George has not yet met Archie. But before Prince William and Kate Middleton visited their nephew, a source said that their children are dying to meet their cousin.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte are still in school at the moment, and they may have very busy schedules. But on Sunday, they made an appearance at their mom’s flower show in Chelsea.