This badger from the British Wildlife Centre in Lingfield,England, was likely not drunk during the taking of this photo. Reuters/Stefan Wermuth

At first glance, a Polish badger and a Spring Breaker might not seem to have much in common. When, in reality, they both like to binge-drink and pass out on the beach. Or at least, one badger knows how to party.

Local shelter workers found Wandzia the badger on the beach of Rewal, Poland, passed out drunk. Her drink of choice? Beer, said officials, who found seven empty bottles near the sleeping badger, according to the Guardian. It's suspected she stole the beer from nearby beachgoers.

This is an artist's rendition of Wandzia.

No worries though: Shelter workers are nursing Wandzia back to health and she’s expected to make a full recovery from her hangover. However, Wandzia is hardly the first animal to get a taste of beer. Other animals have attempted to drink the badger under the table.

Drunk Squirrel

Earlier this month, a squirrel broke into a pub in Worcestershire, England, and ransacked the place, says the Independent. The critter managed to turn on the beer taps and was described as "staggering around" after the incident.

The video below is a different drunk squirrel, just showing that rodents can't hold their liquor.

Boston Party Bear

A bear raided some campers' coolers to get himself some brewskies, according to The bear had a particular taste for Rainier -- destroying three cases -- but like anyone with a sense of taste, the burly beer-lover stopped at one Busch.

After being chased from the campground, the "party bear" as he was affectionately called, climbed a tree and took a four-hour nap.

Drunk lemurs

Lemurs aren't a fan of beer so much as they like the sweet stuff: daiquiris and other cocktails. This video of drunk monkeys suggest we aren't so different after all.

Dolphins Getting High

Now, it might be a bit hard to get a dolphin booze, but they like to have fun in their own way. The video below from John Downer Productions shows dolphins getting high naturally -- on a toxin from puffer fish.

Elephants, Giraffes and Other African Animals

The marula fruit is a small and round and ripens to a yellow color. However, once the fruit becomes overripe and drops to the ground – the real fun begins. Animals from elephants to giraffes to ostriches eat the marula, which ferments in their stomachs and gets them drunk. Ah, nature.

So the next time you drink a little too much and decide to sleep it off, don't feel guilty. It's only natural.