Queen Elizabeth is one of the most dedicated and passionate members of the royal family. When she’s out in public, she usually shows her serious she is with her royal duties.

But there was one occasion several years ago when she engaged in flirtatious banter with a prime minister. However, this former prime minister wasn’t the one that Her Majesty looked up to the most.

According to royal correspondent Simon Edge, Labor Prime Minister Jim Callaghan and the Queen adored each other very much. Callaghan previously opened up about his conversations with the monarch and said that they usually flowed freely and they could talk about anything and everything under the sun.

On one occasion, the 93-year-old royal broke protocol by placing a flower in Mr. Callaghan’s buttonhole while they were strolling the grounds of Buckingham Palace. But Callaghan also realized in the end that he could’ve gotten the Queen’s friendliness but not necessarily her friendship.

According to Edge, the Queen liked Winston Churchill the most. The latter was the first-ever prime minister that Her Majesty worked with after her father passed away.

“At first the 25-year-old monarch was intimidated by the 77-year-old war hero. But he took it upon himself to instruct her in the way of politics and her constitutional role and by the time he left office three years later they had formed a strong bond, discussing horse-racing as well as affairs of state,” Edge said.

Meanwhile, the Queen’s relationship with former Prime Minister Tony Blair was very different from her relationship with Callaghan and Churchill. In his book “A Journey,” Blair mocked the annual tradition of visiting the Queen at her royal residence in Balmoral and dubbed it utterly freaky.

“The whole culture of it was totally alien, of course, not that the royals weren't very welcoming,” he said.

Her Majesty was also mortified with Blair’s wife, Cherie because she didn’t curtsy to her when they first met in Balmoral in 1997.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II announced a list of new bills ranging from implementing a yet-to-be finalized EU divorce agreement to criminal sentencing. POOL/Tolga Akmen