Queen Mother
Queen Mother celebrates her 100th birthday from the balcony of Buckingham Palace 04 August 2000. Getty Images/Ian Waldi/AFP

Queen Mother had a young sense of humor and she loved to have a good laugh all the time.

In a throwback interview featuring Prince William when he was just 19 years old, the Duke of Cambridge recalled his great grandmother’s outrageous and hilarious nature. Prince William shared how the 100-year-old Queen Mother told him to invite her if he knew any good parties.

Prince William confessed that he said “yes” but continued saying that there was no way he would do it because he knew that she would invite him to dance under the table.

Kate Middleton’s husband also recalled how the Queen Mother made him late on his first day of school. She reportedly invited him for lunch at her Highland home on the Balmoral estate and it took very long.

“She gave me an amazing lunch, better and longer than normal, and we talked about me going to university and what I was studying,” Prince William said.

The second in line to the throne described his late great-grandmother as someone who took “great interest in all of her great-grandchildren.” He also recalled how she loved a good laugh even if the joke was about her.

“Anything that was meant to be formal and went wrong she enjoyed. She would have a good giggle,” the Duke of Cambridge continued.

“She had such a young sense of humour. Every single thing that went wrong or was funny for any reason she laughed herself stupid about – it kept us all sane.”

The princes remembered one Christmas Day when they showed her how to do Ali G’s famous finger-snap and “respect” catchphrase and how it delighted her.

According to Prince Harry, during one of their meals, Queen Mother stood up and said, “Darling, lunch was marvelous – respect.” Then, she clicked her fingers.

Just like Prince William and Prince Harry, Prince Charles has a lot of fond memories with the Queen Mother. The Prince of Wales shared a closer bond to his grandmother than to his mom, Queen Elizabeth.

Prince Charles said that he dreaded the moment when Queen Mother passed away. The future king shared how she saw the funny side in everything and added that he would miss her laughs.