Red Hood
Red Hood for "Injustice 2" arrives worldwide on June 13. NetherRealm Studios

NetherRealm has announced that the Red Hood DLC for “Injustice 2” will be released next week on June 13. However, the DLC’s release date will only be for those who bought the Ultimate or Deluxe Editions of the game and the Fighter Pack 1 DLC.

NetherRealm held a Watchtower livestream on Twitch yesterday to fully show off the Red Hood in action in “Injustice 2.” The livestream revealed that the Red Hood will rely on long-range attacks like Deadshot. Red Hood is equipped with dual pistols and Gotham Stars, the character’s own version of Batarangs.

Red Hood also has an array of mid-range attacks. Combine this with his pistol and Gotham Stars, players could easily juggle their opponents. Red Hood also appears to be capable of grabbing opponents in midair to deal with aerial attacks. Overall, Red Hood seems like a blend of Robin and Deadshot in “Injustice 2,” as pointed out by

NetherRealm also showed off some of the gears that will be available for the Red Hood. There’s one particular gear setup that changes Red Hood’s land mines into throwing grenades.

NetherRealm also revealed in the Watchtower livestream that the Red Hood will be playable worldwide starting on Tuesday, June 13. This will be the case for everyone who bought the Ultimate or Deluxe Editions of “Injustice 2.”

The June 13 release date for Red Hood also applies for those who’ve purchased the Fighter Pack 1 DLC, which costs $19.99. The Fighter Pack 1 also includes “Mortal Kombat” character Sub-Zero and Teen Titans member Starfire. NetherRealm hasn’t revealed when Sub-Zero and Strarfire will be available, but did say that both might have their own Watchtower livestream session.

For those who don’t want to buy the $20 Fighter Pack 1 DLC, players will be able to get Red Hood the following week on June 20 as a standalone purchase. NetherRealm didn’t provide pricing for an individual DLC character.

NetherRealm also confirmed that “Injustice 2” will have a Red Hood Multiverse event starting on June 13. The Multiverse event will allow those who haven’t purchased the Red Hood to actually try out the character for themselves.

The special Multiverse event will likely only allow users to play as the Red Hood in order to make this possible. NetherRealm did the same thing for Darkseid when the character was made available in “Injustice 2.”

Who’s Next?

NetherRealm hasn’t revealed the rest of its DLC characters that will be coming to “Injustice 2.” However, this hasn’t stopped fans from speculating on the teaser video’s silhouettes.


Earlier this week, “Injustice 2” received a bit of a software update. The update may have triggered to show silhouettes for the upcoming DLC characters. This may have been done in preparation for the availability of Red Hood.

So far, people widely believe that Black Manta and Atom will be part of the next two Fighter Packs. The other silhouettes have been debated heavily online. Enchantress, Spawn, Azrael, Raiden, Black Lightning, Constatine and Rorschach are just some of the DLC characters that's been speculated by WWG.