magma ragerw
Seeing Magma Rager in ranked.... Blizzard

There are a few ways to tell if the Hearthstone player you're up against is top-tier Legend or just some scrub stuck at rank 15. You queue up your Midrange Hunter deck, press the “Play Standard” button and watch that wheel spin, hoping it lands on “Mediocre Monk” instead of “Worthy Opponent”. Then you go up against a Warrior deck that does everything in your power to piss you off. They rope, make plays in the wrong order and spam that threaten emote just a bit too much.

I’ve seen too many Hearthstone players like this before and I can tell if someone deserves that Legend card back, or just got lucky when Secret Paladin was still a thing. Here are a few tactics that new/bad players love to use.

Roping On Purpose- When you “rope” someone in Hearthstone , you wait until the maximum amount of time to make your plays just to piss them off. Each turn can last 75 seconds, where a rope slowly counts down on the last 20. When it’s turn one and your opponent can only play The Crystal Core Quest, there’s no reason for that to take over a minute. Some players have nothing better to do other then waste time in Hearthstone and there’s a special place in Old God’s prison for them.

Spamming Emotes - You’ve played against a Rexxar who keeps saying “well played” after every card you drop. It starts to get into your head, maybe he’s already got game and you’re just playing into his trap? Sometimes “squelching” an enemy isn’t good enough, you can hear the “I will hunt you down” even though it’s not playing.

Playing Cards In The Wrong Order- Knowing how and when to use all the cards in your deck is important to succeeding on the ladder. Waste a Crackling Razormaw because you played Jeweled Maczw on turn one instead of Kindly Grandmother and you can lose the whole game. It’s Alleycat then Nesting Roc, not the other way around.

Playing A Deck With The Wrong Cards- I know you didn’t have the dust to make Bloodmage Thalnos , but Novice Engineer is not a worthy substitute. If you want to compete past rank five, you are going to need all the cards from that decklist you found on Hearthpwn. Play every daily quest so you have enough gold to buy packs to convert to dust to make cards. They don’t have to be golden; don’t waste your dust on shiny objects.

Adding You After The Game- When you beat someone in Hearthstone and they add you to their friends list after the game, they want to flame you. The Rexxar who lost to a Babbling Book giving you an extra Ice Block wants you to know that it isn’t his fault he lost, he would have won if RNGesus hadn’t been ignoring him that day. These players are always the worst, they will always blame others for their own problems and will never make it past rank 17.

What do you think makes a bad Hearthstone player? Tell us in the comments.