Rats Free Friends: New Study Reveals Empathy, Compassion in Rodents

Rats Free Companions
A new University of Chicago study shows that rats demonstrate compassion for fellow rodent friends when one of them is trapped, even when they themselves are free and were offered food for ignoring their captured companions. The experiments present compelling evidence for rodent empathy, going against the idea that rats are greedy and selfish.
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Samsung Focus S

Samsung Focus S: Top 10 Smartphones with Windows Phone System

Microsoft's mobile operating system, Windows Phone, now has around 40,000 apps as more and more smartphone makers pair with the tech giant to run their new devices. So far, Nokia is perhaps the biggest manufacturer to pair with Microsoft, but Samsung and HTC both have some nice devices running the year old system.
Apple iOS Photo Editing

Ice Cream Sandwich vs Apple iOS 5: Photo Editing Tools Comparison

Regardless of the type of camera you have on your Apple or Android device, one thing you've no doubt noticed is there are a ton of photo editing apps available for both systems. Google and Apple have noticed too, so in their recent mobile software updates, Ice Cream Sandwich and iOS 5, they've implemented some of those features that so many apps already have.
Google launches music service

Google launches music service

Google Inc has turned on the music at its new online store, aiming to wrest the lead from Apple Inc and Inc in audio entertainment distribution despite the absence of a major record label.
Siri Voice Recognition

Dear Siri, Do You Love Me?

Apple’s mega-selling new iPhone 4S has everyone in titters. It has a faster processor, a better camera, a new and improved this and that. But really, it’s all about Siri. She’s the seductive little voice-activated personal assistant that lives inside every new iPhone.
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U.S. Supreme Court Votes Can Be Predicted: Study

We find that Supreme Court justices are significantly more predictable than one would expect from 'ideally independent' justices in 'ideal courts,' that is, independently evaluating cases on merits, free of ideology, a new study says.
Microsoft Sees Windows Phones Becoming Number 1 in China

Ice Cream Sandwich vs Microsoft: Who's More Social? (VIDEO)

Ice Cream Sandwich has yet to make its debut, but the Microsoft system has been out for a while now, so let's see how the two systems' social features compare. As with Apple's iOS 5 update, the Android and Windows Phone operating systems are moving toward integrating the functions of social network apps right into the fabric of mobile devices.
Samsung Focus S

Galaxy S2 vs Focus S: Samsung's Dueling Devices

Samsung is almost through rolling out their holiday lineup of smartphones in 2011, and two of the best available now are the Galaxy S2 and Focus S. Galaxy S2 is the pinnacle of Samsung technology and their bestselling device the world over. In November, Samsung will debut the Galaxy Nexus, a true next generation device, but it's really a Google phone manufactured by Samsung.
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Google social network opens doors to businesses

Google Inc's new social networking service has opened its doors to businesses to create special web pages, a move that could entice visitors to spend more time on the website and help Google match the offerings of rival Facebook.


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