drinking app
BARTRENDr provides a social network exclusively for bar-goers. On the app, you can check in to a bar and share what you're drinking either publicly or to a private network of friends. BARTRENDr

Curious about your annual drinking habits? A mobile app called BARTRENDr will now provide users with reports on their individual alcohol consumption patterns. The app will track and analyze the number of drinks, what types -- specific brands included -- and average time of consumption along with frequently visited bars.

Similar to checking in with Facebook or Foursquare, it will be up to the consumer to input their data. There's no wearable for drinking with BARTRENDr -- at least not yet. Food delivery app Seamless released a similar report to consumers in December 2014. But instead of shocking you on how much you pay for takeout, BARTRENDr's report could be your eye into alcoholism. Or at least, it could provide some interesting insight into what brands have been your favorite and when.

In addition to this new report, BARTRENDr is marketing itself as a "social networking app for bar-goers." The app provides three sections: "Share;" "Buddies;" and "Bars." Within the "Share" tab, you can input data on the type of people (ex. Average Joe, Bros, Cougars) in the bar, how crowded it is and the atmosphere. That data can be shared to Facebook and Twitter or solely within that app -- publicly or to your private network. The "Share" section also lets you take a picture of what you're drinking or what bar you're in. That data, if set as public, is then used in the "Bars" tab, where you can find trending bars in your area. The "Buddies" tab is for connecting with friends or discovering new ones who use the app.

Adult per capita Alcohol Consumption in the United States | FindTheData

The data is not only used to provide a better app experience for the users but the information is also shared with beverage brands. BARTRENDr co-founder and CEO Devon Bergman isn't shy to admit how valuable this data can be for companies. "We can look at what last week’s Corona drinker looks like. Whether they also drink shots. Or what percentage of their drinking was beer," Bergman said in an interview. "We’re about helping the brands. The system is so archaic. They sell to the distributors, they sell to the bars or they sell to the consumer. They want to know the trends."

The report to brands includes the most popular beverages, the age and gender of those who drink them and frequented bars. BARTRENDr can also associate that data with larger lifestyle and consumption patterns. The brands' satisfaction with this data was one of the reasons Bergman thought to share more data with consumers themselves. "When we began providing beverage brands insight into consumption patterns, we realized how valuable the same concept could be for our user base,” Bergman said in a statement.

The BARTRENDr app has attracted 700,000 users in the last five months and closed a $1 million funding round, led by the New York Angels. The app is available on iOS and Android.