• Donald Trump was lambasted by a journalist after he seemingly attacked reporter Peter Alexander
  • Donald Trump was accused of being scared amid the coronavirus outbreak 
  • Donald Trump was likened to a child after he lashed out at a reporter 

Donald Trump was heavily criticized after he shockingly lashed out at a White House correspondent during Friday’s press conference on the deadly coronavirus.

The POTUS was asked by Peter Alexander what his message is for the American people who are scared because of the global health pandemic. Instead of responding to the question and comforting his people, the president shockingly called Alexander a terrible reporter.

Immediately after, Trump faced backlash on social media for what he said. Political Flare journalist Jason Miciak also slammed the POTUS by accusing him of being fearful amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“Ineptitude is likely a big part of what set him off. HE is the scared one, and thus the question “triggered” him. He doesn’t want to hear a thing about “fear,” because some might figure out that he’s scared – and it’s always about him,” he said.

Miciak went on to say that Alexander’s question is actually very simple but the POTUS failed to give a direct answer. In fact, Melania Trump’s husband engaged in his usually combative behavior because he felt that the reporter was attacking him.

“Right now, the markets see a child, unprepared, and incapable of leading a country through a disaster. Thus, Trump’s attitude and ineptitude are priced-in and making the economic situation worse, just as he already made the health situation worse,” Miciak said.

Meanwhile, the POTUS also received a slew of other criticisms. Rosie O’Donnell couldn’t believe what she heard come out of Trump’s mouth when Alexander asked him the simple question.

“Wouldn’t it be great if Peter stood up and said [expletive] you Trump and walked out. #TrumpPandemic,” O’Donnell tweeted.

“When Trump was attacking Peter Alexander the silence in that press room was deafening. These are not ordinary times, MSM. If you want respect from us you must resist. You must stick together. If one of you is attacked by Trump, every one of you should speak out. Ask the same question?” Twitter user @RamonaGrigg said.

US President Donald Trump, during the now-daily briefing of the White House coronavirus task force on March 20, 2020
US President Donald Trump, during the now-daily briefing of the White House coronavirus task force on March 20, 2020 AFP / JIM WATSON