trump drinks water
President Donald Trump drinks his water with two hands during his speech on national security on Dec. 18, 2017. White House Video

President Donald Trump spoke Monday about his administration's new National Security Strategy. During the speech, Trump once again awkwardly drank water with two hands, reigniting past conversations on social media about his peculiar habit.

Trump took the opportunity of applause from the crowd to mouth the words “Thank you” and then grasped his water glass with two hands, hunched over, to take a sip. The small water glass that didn't appear to weigh much seemed to cause the president some difficulty.

This sent Twitter into a screen-grabbing tizzy and the tweets started pouring in.

Of course, there were the jokes that Twitter users posted.

And they all pointed out that this isn’t the first time Trump has had trouble with his water.

Twitter users couldn’t help but compare Trump to animals and children.

They also speculated about his health.

Someone even pointed out that Trump previously mocked Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida for taking a break while giving a speech for a sip of water.

You can watch Trump’s speech, and his water drinking habits here:
