MSNBC host Joe Scarborough drew attention early Wednesday when he slammed Republican lawmakers who have downplayed the Capitol Riots and referred those who entered the building on Jan. 6 as “Trump terrorists." The hashtag quickly trended on Twitter.

In fiery remarks, Scarborough riled against members of Congress such as Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, who objected to a Senate hearing over the insurrection charge filed against former President Donald Trump in the House of Representatives in response to riots at the federal Capitol building.

Scarborough suggested that the lack of closure over the Capitol riots was akin to ignoring the Sept. 11 attacks.

"These are Trump terrorists,” Scarborough said in a rant. “Call them by their name!" he yelled.

By name, he lashed out against the handful of conservative lawmakers who have taken a soft stance on the riots, as an impeachment trial looms for Trump.

Scarborough, who served in the House from 1995 to 2001 as a Republican from Florida, said Graham "wants us to forget about the fact that people were bludgeoned in the head with an American flag because of Donald Trump." Scarborough also referenced how a police officer was beaten to death during the riots.

Of the 50 Republican Senators, five of them – Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania – voted in favor of holding a hearing over the House impeachment charge.

That came even after Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell commented Monday about the arrival of the article of impeachment.

“By Senate rules, if the article arrives, we have to start a trial right then," he said.

After the House impeachment charges were filed, Graham described the effort as “vindictive.”

Most of the comments on Scarborough’s rant were supportive. Kurt Bardella, a senior advisor at the Lincoln Project, called Scarborough's comments "required viewing." The hashtag also received thousands of likes and retweets.

This is the second time this month that Scarborough drew praise for his commentary about the mob that raided Capitol. In early January, Scarborough accused police of opening the “f---ing doors” to supporters of the former president, echoing many of the themes of 9/11 he used in more recent comments.

“And, my God, if these insurrectionists [the rioters] were Muslim they would have been sniped from the top of buildings.”

Trump ignited a storm with an attempted character assassination of MSNBC host Joe Scarborough (pictured) by spreading the baseless rumor he murdered an aide
Trump ignited a storm with an attempted character assassination of MSNBC host Joe Scarborough (pictured) by spreading the baseless rumor he murdered an aide GETTY IMAGES / ROB KIM