A festival in Taiwan took a terrifying turn after a 3-year-old girl was entangled in the tail of a large kite and carried off after a gust of wind took her airborne.

According to the Taiwan English News (via Fox News), the girl was attending the Hsinchu City International Kite Festival in Nanlioao, when she became entangled in the kite’s tail and gusty winds then carried her into the air.

She was then whipped around above the crowd, rising and falling with the wind for approximately 30 seconds, before adults were able to get a hold of her and bring her back down to the ground.

The festival was immediately suspended for a safety review, and the little girl was not seriously hurt.

While this appears to be the first incident to have occurred at the festival, it isn’t the first time a child has ended up in danger from a kite.

Back in 2015, a five-year-old Vietnamese boy was killed after he was caught in a kite as well. Van Minh Dat was selling drinks with his mother at the Dong Dieu kite field in Ho Chi Minh City when his leg was caught in a kite’s rope and he was launched more than 60 feet into the air before breaking free. That kite, which had a 49-foot span, was launched in preparation for a festival by the Saigon Kite Club.

A man wearing a facemask flies a kite along the Yangtze River in Wuhan
A man wearing a facemask flies a kite along the Yangtze River in Wuhan AFP / Hector RETAMAL