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  • Scott Henderson joins VOKE after taking his previous energy brand from annual revenues of $3 million to over $500 million
  • VOKE’s chewable tablets boost focus levels, improve brain function and sustain energy without the jittery side-effects often produced by coffee or other energy products
  • Their all-natural ingredients present an effective and healthy option that can also help to improve mood, suppress appetite and support immune function

VOKE ENERGY has hired Scott Henderson, past President and COO of 5 Hour Energy, to be their new CEO, in the hope that he can replicate the rapid success he enjoyed at his previous firm.

Henderson had a number of other opportunities on the table, but says it was VOKE that ‘caught his eye’, after being approached by its founder Kalen Caughey.

Henderson joins a company that originated halfway up a ski hill in Montana, as Kalen Caughey sought a healthy, pocket portable energy/focus boost that wouldn’t entail either a caffeine crash, jitters or lost hours of sleep. “I was looking for something made from natural ingredients that helped enhance focus and reaction time while competing in skiing, without liquid that was inconvenient to carry. The only thing I could find on the market were caffeine pills that made me feel shaky, so I decided to make a more effective product for personal use at the time.’

VOKE ENERGY hero wholesale

With the assistance of Caughey’s father, a biochemist, they selected an optimal combination of natural ingredients including guarana berry seed, acerola cherry, red beetroot and green tea leaf. It was the quality of this blend and convenient chewable tablet form factor that stood out to new CEO Henderson, who was attracted to VOKE’s long-lasting, focussing effect on consumers, which is very different from the more sudden and jittery rush of alternative energy products.

Another way in which VOKE deviates from the standard energy-supplying path of their competitors is in the additional health benefits that their tablets are believed to offer alongside increasing energy levels.

Acerola cherry offers immune support in the form of Vitamin C, as well as aiding sports recovery, while red beetroot can help increase blood flow to the brain and enhance cognitive function. 75 of the 77mg of the natural caffeine in each VOKE chewable comes from Green Tea Leaf, which can also help with mood and endurance while only 2mg comes naturally from pure Guarana seed, it’s the other natural compounds in guarana that deliver an important part of VOKE’s unique effect. Guarana has been shown to improve mood, even possessing possible mood improving qualities, as well as helping with weight control and improving mental performance when having to focus over extended periods of time.

scott henderson
scott henderson

It is these all-round wellbeing benefits that make VOKE appealing to both coffee-drinkers and non-coffee-drinkers alike. Most coffee-drinkers consume their favorite roast in the morning, with data showing that consumption then drastically drops off throughout the day. By mid-afternoon, a mental low-point is hit.

This has far more serious consequences than a feeling of grouchiness or sluggishness. A Harvard study reported the surprising findings that, if a student is tested during that mid-afternoon dip, then academic performance diminished by the same degree that would be seen if that student had missed two weeks of school. Similarly, a Cornell team analyzed half a billion tweets to show that people are generally more pessimistic during this daily ‘mental valley’.

VOKE appears to be in a prime position to capitalize on a gap in the market. Research highlights that only around 15% of the population consume energy drinks, while a mere 5% opt for energy shots. This makes VOKE Superfood both an attractive proposition for consumers, who are presented with a healthy way to overcome the mid-afternoon mental dip, and to retailers, because VOKE appeals to consumers who are not currently opting for any currently available energy products or only drinking coffee in the early morning. VOKE therefore won’t be taking customers away from other energy brands.

VOKE ENERGY chewables attempt to solve a universal problem where mental performance dips significantly mid-afternoon, while also offering an impressive array of additional health benefits. If Henderson can instigate the same level of growth that he achieved at 5 Hour Energy, then VOKE looks set to become a key disruptor in the energy market.