Chelsea, CHloe and Nick on "The Young and the Restless"
Chelsea (Melissa Clare Egan) will confront Chloe (Elizabeth Hendrickson) after realizing Nick (Joshua Morrow) was right about her on the April 6, 2017 episode of “The Young and the Restless.” CBS

She didn’t believe Nick when he showed her evidence Chloe killed Adam, but following her own startling discovery, Chelsea will decide the time has come to confront her best friend on the Thursday, April 6 episode of “The Young and the Restless.”

While searching for a safety pin to fix her dress for the wedding on the CBS soap, Chelsea (Melissa Clare Egan) discovered Adam’s wedding ring in Chloe’s (Elizabeth Hendrickson) drawer, and with everything else Nick (Joshua Morrow) showed her and told her, realized that her best friend did in fact murder her husband in the cabin explosion. Now, she will decide the time has come to confront her about what she did, even though she no longer has Nick for backup, after she told him not to come to the wedding.

Chelsea will give Chloe Adam’s ring during the wedding ceremony, which will cause Chloe to panic and run off. Chelsea will follow her and demand answers. Chloe will be forced to tell her friend the truth about killing her husband, and try to rationalize her actions as necessary in order for her to get past her daughter Delia’s death. The confrontation will turn explosive quickly, and things could wind up turning violent before anyone else arrives to break things up.

Read: Nick Confides In Sharon With His Suspicions About Chloe On “The Young And The Restless”

Meanwhile, Nick is lamenting his being barred from the wedding, and in a preview clip for the episode, he will be discussing how his plan to get a confession from Chloe backfired horribly.

“It blew up in my face, and now, Chelsea’s so mad at me, she told me not to go to the wedding today,” he says to Sharon (Sharon Case).

However, Sharon will urge him to instead head to the wedding, despite Chelsea’s orders to stay away. But if he does listen, he will be shocked when he gets there and finds the unexpected results of Chelsea and Chloe’s showdown.

“The Young and the Restless” airs weekdays at 12:30 p.m. EDT on CBS.