YouTube is taking action in curbing users from viewing extremism and terrorist content. When users search for videos related to extremist videos, they will now be redirected to playlists that counter and debunk terrorist ideologies.

YouTube’s new feature is called the Redirect Method, which was developed by Alphabet Inc. subsidiary Jigsaw. “The Redirect Method uses Adwords targeting tools and curated YouTube videos uploaded by people all around the world to confront online radicalization,” Jigsaw said on The Redirect Method website. “It focuses on the slice of ISIS’ audience that is most susceptible to its messaging, and redirects them towards curated YouTube videos debunking ISIS recruiting themes.”

The Jigsaw team developed the Redirect Method alongside Moonshot CVE, a company that works with clients to counter “violent extremism,” according to Engadget. Moonshot CVE did extensive research on how terrorists and extremist groups use the internet to spread their ideologies before finding the best tools to use for YouTube.

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Google says that the application of the Redirect Method is part of an early release, and the company hopes to add more features in the near future. Its goals include support for more languages besides English, to expand the new method to Europe, use machine learning to update search terms/keywords and work with expert NGOs to develop new video content to counter extremist messaging.

“This work is made possible by our partnerships with NGOs that are experts in this field, and we will continue to collaborate closely with them to help support their research through our technological tools,” Google said on its blog.

Google says that it will measure the success of the Redirect Method based on how much of its curated content is engaged. During its pilot experiment between August and September 2015, 320,000 people watched over half a million minutes of the 116 curated videos that refutes ISIS’s recruiting themes.

The application of the Redirect Method is also part of Google's four-prong strategy to combat terrorism online, which was announced last month. This strategy included identifying extremist/terrorism-related videos, getting more independent experts as part of YouTube’s Trusted Flagger program and a tougher stance on “videos that do not clearly violate our policies.”

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“Extremists and terrorists seek to attack and erode not just our security, but also our values; the very things that make our societies open and free,” Google’s general counsel Kent Walker said at the time. “We must not let them. Together, we can build lasting solutions that address the threats to our security and our freedoms. It is a sweeping and complex challenge. We are committed to playing our part.”

This new initiative may also be the result of advertisers being unhappy that their products were regularly being advertised on hateful and inflammatory videos, as pointed out by Android Central. Although Google is doing its part in battling terrorism online, it may also raise concerns over freedom of speech and censorship.

It’s still too early to make assumptions. But if this new method is successful, perhaps extremist groups will no longer have YouTube as a recruitment platform.

YouTube will now redirect searches for terrorism-related videos to curated playlist that debunk terrorist ideologies. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic