A 15-year-old boy tragically died trying to protect his 5-year-old sibling and his home from a burglar in Florida, authorities told CNN.

Khyler Edman was home with his sister on Thursday, when an ex-con with a history of drug abuse tried to rob them. Edman was found dead when authorities were searching his home.

"A violent encounter ensued where we believe that the teenager was trying to protect the home and protect their younger sibling," Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell said in a press conference.

The burglar, identified later as Ryan Cole, 27, tried to flee the spot when Charlotte County Sheriff’s office was responding to a 911 call about an injured person suspiciously walking in the neighborhood. Cole was caught after a small chase and had stab wounds on his hands and side.

At the same time, police received another call about a break-in at Conway Blvd. When canvassing the area, they discovered about another burglary which took place on Starlite lane.

When police searched the home in connection with the burglary, they discovered Edman’s body. His sister, however, remained unharmed.

Cole has not been charged with Edman’s death yet and an investigation is still being carried out into the case.

"We are working very closely with the state attorney's office to make sure we provide the best case we can so this individual does not see the light of day again," Prummell said.

Cole was out on probation, while he committed the burglary and got caught. He is being held on burglary and petit theft charges.

Edman’s classmates have planned memorials for him this week through student-driven activities.

"He was the kind of kid you would want to be your son," Mike Riley, the school and community liaison for Charlotte County Public Schools told CNN.

"He was polite to everyone. He laid his life down to save his baby sister and showed his community how much of a hero he was."

crime scene
Representational image Getty Images/Jonathan Alcorn