At almost 203-years-old, Abraham Lincoln is still of interest to many people, so much so that two movies about the 16th American president will hit theaters this year. Steven Spielberg's Lincoln, which stars Daniel Day-Lewis, will debut in the fall. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, the less historical of the two movies, debuts on June 22, and stars Benjamin Walker as the six-foot-four 16th president.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, is based on the 2010 book by Seth Grahame-Smith. The Web site IMDB describes the movie plot as President Lincoln's mother is killed by a supernatural creature, which fuels his passion to crush vampires and their slave-owning helpers.
Seth Grahame-Smith paints an image of the Civil War as being a cover-up for the supernatural scourge that was then plaguing the United States. It's up to Abe Lincoln and his deadly ax to fight off the vampires who are sucking the United States dry.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, is set to be a 3-D movie, directed and produced by Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted and Daywatch and Nightwatch.) Tim Burton is also signed on as a producer for the film.
To celebrate Abraham Lincoln's 203rd birthday on Feb. 12, here is a slide show of television and movie vampires we would like to see him fight.
Al Lewis played Grandpa, a vampire in the 1964 - 1966 series "The Munsters."sandiegoreader.comJames Marsters played a vampire named Spike in the 1997-2003 series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."tvtropes.orgDavid Boreanaz starred as Angel, a vampire in the 1997-2003 series, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."thetorchonline.comBrad Pitt plays vampire, Louis de Pointe du Lac in the 1994 movie "Interview With the Vampire."webparkz.blogspot.comTom Cruise plays vampire Lestat de Lioncourt in the 1994 film, "Interview With the Vampire."thousanddresses.blogspot.comIan Somerhalder plays vampire Damon Salvatore on the hit CW show "The Vampire Diaries."boomtron.comPaul Wesley plays Stephen Salvatore, a vampire on the hit CW show, "The Vampire Diaries."tvdnetwork.blogspot.comAlexander Skarsgard stars in HBO's "True Blood" as Viking Vampire Eric.stickyegg.comStephen Moyer stars as vampire Bill in HBO's "True Blood."blog.musicskins.comA photo from 1870 has surfaced which features a Nicholas Cage look alike, prompting people to believe that the actor is a time traveler...or a vampire.The Thanatos ArchiveColin Farrell played vampire Jerry Danridge in the 2011 remake of "Fright Night." Pattinson plays vampire Edward Cullen in the successful "Twilight" franchise.shishirk.comKellan Lutz plays Emmett Cullen, a vampire in the "Twilight" franchise.shishirk.comJackson Rathbone plays Jasper Hale, a vampire in the Cullen family in the "Twilight"