‘Big Brother’ 21: Holly Puts [SPOILERS] Up For Eviction; Is Cliff Really Safe?

“Big Brother” Season 21 just named Holly as this week’s Head of Household (HOH). This is Holly’s first win in the hit CBS reality TV competition and fans are curious how she will make the most out of her reign.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from “Big Brother” Season 21. Read at your own risk!
After being crowned as this week’s HOH, the Six Shooters couldn’t contain their excitement for once again being safe – at least for another week. Holly, Annalyse, Jack, Jackson, Christie and Tommy are still in the game despite last week’s crazy events.
During Cliff’s HOH reign, the 53-year-old dad put Jack and Jackson up for eviction because he wanted to make a big move in the game. But when he found out that Christie won the Diamond Power, he decided to change his game plan.
Cliff agreed to put Bella up for eviction even though she vowed to be loyal to him if Christie would promise him that she wouldn’t use her Diamond Power at last week’s Power of Veto (POV) competition. Christie agreed, and the deal was sealed.
This week, Holly is up on the block and since Cliff helped save Jack and Jackson, Six Shooters are trying to stay on Cliff’s good side. Holly didn’t put Cliff up on the block but this doesn’t mean that he is entirely safe from eviction.
Holly decided to put Nick and Sam up on the block which wasn’t a surprise. Now that Bella is no longer in the game, the Six Shooters want Nick out of the house also. Sam is most likely up on the block as a pawn, and since he’s a POV competition beast, it is highly likely that he could save himself from the nominations.
If Sam or Nick are able to save themselves this week, Holly would be forced to put either Cliff, Nicole, Kat or Jess up on the block. By the looks of it, Nicole or Cliff are the ones in danger.
“Big Brother” Season 21 will return to CBS on Sunday at 9 p.m.
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