“Big Brother” Season 21 recently saw a shift of power inside the house.

Warning: This article contains spoilers from “Big Brother” Season 21. Read at your own risk!

After the remaining houseguests said goodbye to Sam, they competed in another round of Head of Household (HOH) competition. And in a shocking twist, the tables have once again turned inside the “Big Brother” house.

Throughout the past couple of weeks, Jack and Jackson have been running the house. Their alliance members have also been doing their dirty work for them. But it seems that one of them may finally be sent packing, that is if this week’s HOH will not be convinced otherwise.

For the first time this season, underdog Jess became this week’s HOH. This means that her alliance members, Nicole and Cliff, are safe from eviction. Nick and Kat are not part of the Six Shooters alliance but it is unlikely for them to vote to keep either Jack or Jackson in the house.

Jess put up this season’s two biggest threats and only one of them could be safe from eviction at the end of the week. Two weeks ago, Cliff was crowned as HOH and he also targeted Jack and Jackson.

But after learning that Christie won the Diamond Power, he changed his mind and he decided to go after his alliance member instead. During the same week, Jack used his special power, which means that the only way for him to be saved from eviction is if he will win the Power of Veto (POV).

If Christie decides to use her power on either Jack or Jackson, she could also save one of them and automatically nominate a houseguest from the other side of the house.

But it has been clear that Christie is no longer happy with the Six Shooters alliance. She is also not pleased with how Jackson has been running the house so it is unclear if she will use her power on him or Jack.

“Big Brother” Season 21 will return to CBS on Sunday at 8 p.m.

Big Brother
Jackson Michie from "Big Brother" Season 21. CBS