A “Clown Lives Matter” march is scheduled to take place on Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. in Tucson, Arizona Photo: Getty

Following multiple creepy clown sightings across the nation, organizers in Tucson, Arizona, are planning a “Clowns Lives Matter” march. The event gives attendees the opportunity to dress up and wear clown makeup and masks in order to show that not all clowns are violent.

More than 100 clowns are expected to show up to the gathering. A flyer for the march read, "this is a peaceful way to show clowns are not psycho killers. We want the public to feel safe, and not be afraid. So come out, bring the family, meet a clown and get a hug!"

Clowns are typically affiliated with bringing joy and laughter into people’s lives, but the recent trends of everyday citizens dressing up in the familiar makeup and costume only to disturb the peace could hurt the profession.

International Business Times spoke this week with Minnesota clown Tricia Manuel, who explained that the recent reports are threatening the livelihood of people who have made careers out of being clowns. "It's heartbreaking," she said. "We are very concerned. Most people get into clowning because they love to make people laugh. They love kids. This is ruining it. It is going to change what we are able to do," Manuel added.

In recent months, authorities have received reports of clowns trying to lure children into the woods, threatening to attack schools and attacking victims on the streets of Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama and other states. Several school campuses have been evacuated because of clown threats.

Connecticut state police said the "killer clown" situation is a "waste of valuable resources and can lead to injuries to both first responders and members of the public," the Chicago Tribune reported Thursday. The reports whether real or false "can cause major disruptions leading to schools, businesses and neighborhoods being placed into lockdown unnecessarily," authorities added.

The Arizona “Clown Lives Matter” march is scheduled to take place on Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m.