A woman in North Carolina said she was infected with the coronavirus regardless of staying home for three weeks amid the viral pandemic. She tested positive for COVID-19 on April 9.

Rachel Brummert, of Charlotte, who has an autoimmune disorder, said she never left her house in compliance with the safety guidelines, except for visiting a pharmacy more than three weeks ago. She exhibited signs consistent to COVID-19 such as cough, fever, headache and trouble breathing but said it still took several days for her to be deemed eligible for a test.

“I’m absolutely terrified,” Brummert told WCNC. “This is the sickest I’ve ever been and it’s the most scared I’ve ever been. From what I’m hearing about ventilators, it’s scary stuff. I’m really hoping I can wait this out at home.”

Brummert said she maintained safe distance with everyone, including her husband who shops for groceries, adding that the only outsider she has ever contacted with other than the pharmacist was a woman who volunteered to drop off groceries at her doorstep and later tested positive for COVID-19.

“I barely had any contact,” she said. “I didn’t even touch her.”

Brummert said she collects the mail every few days and wears gloves at that time. She added that didn't eat take-outs. However, she said she skipped wearing gloves while bringing in grocery packages from her front porch.

“I really thought I was doing everything right,” Brummert said, adding that this is a whole new experience for her. “I’ve had the flu. This is not the flu. It’s a whole other monster.”

Brummert thinks her diagnosis substantiates the fact that COVID-19 is highly contagious and the source is often hard to trace.

North Carolina's major disaster declaration was approved by the White House in late March after the total cases surpassed the 500-mark and 1 death was reported, allowing local governments, state agencies, and eligible non-profit organizations to reimburse the expenses tied to the coronavirus. The total number of infections in the state has jumped to 4,520 as of Sunday, with 81 deaths, according to the state health department.

coronavirus test kit
coronavirus test kit Gerd Altmann - Pixabay