They finally received confirmation that Will is in fact still alive and is living in Memphis, but the long overdue emotional reunion between Will, Sonny and Sami will instead end with a shocking bombshell on the Monday, Nov. 13 episode of “Days of Our Lives.”

Sonny (Freddie Smith) learned Will (Chandler Massey) was bartending in the Southern city after his release from the hospital on the NBC soap, after Paul (Christopher Sean) finally broke down and admitted he saw him there. Sonny quickly gave Paul back his ring and ran off to reunite with his husband, whom he thought was dead the last two years. At the same time, Sami (Alison Sweeney) received confirmation back in Salem that Will’s grave was empty, and she too headed back to Memphis in the hopes of reuniting with her son.

Sure enough, Will’s loved ones will enter the bar and be emotional when they see him again, alive and well. However, their reunion, which should be a blissful one, will instead take a shocking and unexpected turn.

Will won’t remember his previous life at all, and Sonny and Sami will instead seem like strangers to him, so he won’t understand why they seem so eager to see him. They will also be confused by how he is acting around them as well, until Susan Banks (Eileen Davidson) comes in to finish dropping the most unexpected bombshell yet.

Susan previously told Sami when she first came to Memphis that she had hired Rolf (William Utay) to resurrect Will, in the hopes she could then kill him, in a misguided attempt at revenge for EJ’s murder, which she blamed Sami for. However, she then claimed the procedure didn’t work, and Will was still dead.

Now however, with it obvious that Sami didn’t buy her story and knows the truth, the story Will has been fed since he was brought back to life will come to light.

Will will stun and shock his loved ones when he reveals that he is not who they claim he is, and he is instead EJ, and Susan is his mother. Though it will initially seem like a bad joke, Sami and Sonny will be stunned when they realize he believes it to be true.

Now, the race will be on to try and find some way to prove to Will that the life he thinks he has is the one that is false, and his family will try harder than ever to try and get him to see the truth.

“Days of Our Lives” airs weekdays on NBC.

Days of Our Lives
Sonny (Freddie Smith) and Sami (Alison Sweeney) find Will (Chandler Massey) on the Nov. 13, 2017 episode of “Days of Our Lives.” NBC