A nine-year-old girl wad left needing 230 stitches on her face after a dog savaged her in an “unprovoked attack” in West Sussex, a county in the south of England, on Sept. 20.

Speaking to local media Monday, Kelly, the girl’s mother, said her daughter, Lily-Fay Parfitt, was playing on her aunt's farm when the Labrador launched an "unprovoked attack” leaving the girl’s lip looking "like a jigsaw piece".

Recalling the incident, Kelly said, "It's life changing for Lily, she can't smile as she's lost her lips. Lily saw the dog and stopped and turned, she didn't even step towards the dog. The dog actually came straight to her. I heard an ear-piercing scream as it grabbed her top lip and tore out her cheek, leaving catastrophic wounds. The injuries to Lily's face is something that I never want to see again. Her top jaw, her top teeth, her tongue and bottom jaw had been degloved."

The attack has left the girl scarred for life with 25 percent from her top lip lost.

Speaking about the severity of the injuries, Kelly said, “She has slight hearing loss out of her ear which we don't know if it is going to come back. She can't close her eye fully at night time, so they're going to put eye drops in to stop her eye from drying out."

The victim’s family has removed all the mirrors from their home so the girl can’t see her injuries.

"I think she's going to be shocked because she's very into photos and selfies. I feel like I'm in a daze, it's like I'm in a dream. I think I'll wake up and it will be a bad nightmare but clearly it's not going to happen. It's still so raw. Lily has been so brave. She's also having night terrors. She won't go anywhere without me at all times,” Kelly said.

The investigation was ongoing and the dog, which was not known to the family, was allegedly euthanized following the attack.

Representational image of a Labrador. Pixabay