Donald Trump
President Donald Trump gestures during his meeting with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin at Rivlinโ€™s residence in Jerusalem, May 22, 2017. Reuters/Atef Safadi

UPDATE: 3 a.m. EDT —Twitter users were up and about early Wednesday and kept Donald Trump’s misspelled word “covfefe” trending on the micro-blogging site. The president had incorrectly written the word “coverage” in a tweet attacking the media. What triggered was series of hilarious memes and responses from social media users. The tweet was still up on the president's Twitter account.

Original Story:

Twitter users were sent into frenzy after President Donald Trump made a spelling error in a tweet past midnight. He wrote "covfefe" instead of, what seemed to be "coverage."

The tweet which was aimed to criticize the media ended up him being mocked by Twitter users for the typo. The tweet was posted after the president retweeted a "Fox & Friends" story on Jared Kushner saying the Trump aide did not suggest establishing a secret communications channel with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak during a meeting last December. However, it still remained unclear what the president was trying to say as the tweet was incomplete and had a spelling error.

Trump’s "covfefe" tweet garnered more than 48,000 likes, over 39,000 retweets and about 19,000 replies. The tweet was still up at the time of the writing and the president did not follow it up with any other tweet.

Obviously, Twitter users did not leave a chance to take a dig at the president and created several memes and jokes about "covfefe." Furthermore, within an hour “covfefe” began trending on the site and the domain name was already created on GoDaddy.

Some Twitter users also compared Trump’s "covfefe" tweet to former Sen. Scott Brown’s "Bqhatevwr" tweet in January 2013. Brown later explained that pocket dial and the small keys on his iPhone were to be blamed for the tweet.

"Anyone ever hear of pocket tweet, pocket dial? I mean it was pretty simple," Brown said, according to the Washington Post.

Here are some of the replies to Trump's "covfefe" tweets.

The 70-year-old president is known for several typos. On Dec. 17, 2016, Trump infamously tweeted "unpresidented act" to describe China’s seizure of a U.S. Navy drone. Social media users were quick to point out and mock the mistake. About four hours later, he deleted the tweeted and replaced it with the correct spelling of "unprecedented." On Jan. 21, only a day after assuming the office, Trump misspelled the word honored as "honered." He then replaced the tweeted with the correct spelling.

Trump's official inauguration poster had cringe worthy grammatical error. It said: "No dream is too big, no challenge is to great." It should have been: "no challenge is too great."

Also in January, Trump left many people wondering whether he actually checks his tweets before making them public.

In March, the president misspelled "hereby" in two tweets. However, those tweets were later replaced with a correct version. In both tweets, he called for an investigation into Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-New York) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) for their alleged connection to Russia. The tweet spelled hereby as "hear by" prompting Twitter users to make fun of it and Trump deleting it. However, the second tweet he posted also misspelled the same word. He wrote: "hearby." Trump finally put the correct version of the word in a third tweet.