Drunk Couple Had Sex In Busy Street In 'Full Public View'

A man was sentenced to four months in prison Friday for having sex with his girlfriend in front of shoppers in a busy street in York, England.
The court heard the couple, 34-year-old Mark Maddison and 35-year-old Karly Smith, had sex standing up for around 15 minutes at the York city center on Jan.19, 2018 in broad daylight.
“It was Friday, January 19, 2018, at 3.20pm when these two defendants in Gillygate in York in full public view had sexual intercourse standing up. There were three witnesses watching and other people around at the time,” the prosecutor said, adding that Smith was so drunk at the time of the incident that she had to be helped to cross the street.
The court heard that the couple had long records but none for sex offenses. During the court hearing, Maddison appeared via a video link from the prison.
Calling this a “disgusting show,” judge Sean Morris told Smith that she should "lay off the drink.”
"Whether you genuinely didn't know what was going on I don't know. You have got real problems in your life and one of these has just gone off the video link screen. The real villain in the piece has been sentenced. You need to lay off the drink, young lady, because otherwise when you get into that state it might be strangers doing this to you next time,” the judge told Smith, adding that she would be imprisoned the next time she is arrested.
Victoria Smith-Swain, Smith’s attorney, said, “She is an extremely vulnerable young woman. She is someone who is alcohol dependent and has no recollection of this incident whatsoever.”
Meanwhile, Alex Menary, Maddison’s attorney, said: “He is ashamed and embarrassed by his behavior. He was completely out of his head on drink and his family has disowned him for this behavior.”
Menary also added that his client, who was addicted to heroin, had managed to get over the addiction and was hoping to get a job on his release from prison.