Christmas is the season of celebration for people to spend time with their friends and family with their unique traditions.

Although celebrations around this festive season are different in different countries, some traditions are common across the globe. These traditions include religious ones like attending church and less formal ones like decorating Christmas trees or watching Christmas movies.

Christmas traditions help preserve the special memories of the season year after year. Each family may have their own unique way of spending Christmas, like counting down the days with an advent calendar or baking cookies for loved ones.

Here are some fun Christmas traditions that are followed in various parts of the world:

Hanging mistletoe: This tradition allows a person to kiss the person standing beneath a sprig or bouquet of mistletoe. It is believed that bad luck befalls the person who refuses the kiss. The tradition of kissing under mistletoe started in the 18th century in England when this hemiparasitic plant first became widely used for Christmas decoration. The tradition soon gained popularity across the world.

Elf on the shelf: It is a modern Christmas tradition followed by many families to keep the spirit of Santa alive among children all through advent. This fun tradition is based on the belief that each night, the elf in the family flies to the North Pole to tell Santa Claus whether the children were naughty or nice and rewards them the next day. Each morning, the elf appears at a different point in the house, thanks to the creative minds of the parents.

Christmas pickle ornament: In this fun Christmas tradition followed in Germany, a pickle-shaped glass ornament is hidden along with other decorations on the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning, the first person who finds the pickle on the tree gets an extra present from Santa Claus and is believed to have a year of good fortune.

Participate in Toy-Drive: It is a tradition that incorporates a charitable component to the Christmas celebration. This meaningful tradition involves "adopting" a child through a local nonprofit organization and dropping wrapped gifts for them based on their wish list.

Participate in Secret Santa: This is a popular tradition that has different names in different places. It is a fun game that can be played by families and coworkers alike. Participants are allowed to select a name at random and buy a gift for the person. White Elephant or Yankee Swap are different versions of the same game where participants can draw gifts blindly from a bag and trade prizes until the game ends with the last pick.

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