With Halloween nearly here, many Americans are sharing their recipes for homemade meals to celebrate the holiday. Yes, even Halloween is an opportunity to create something interesting in the kitchen.

Here are just a few unique recipes.

Clean Eating Kitchen's Healthy Halloween Snack Tray https://www.cleaneatingkitchen.com/8-healthy-halloween-snacks-gluten-free/

This recipe is made with vegan and gluten free options for a healthier take on Halloween snacks. Apples cut into cute, googly-eyed monsters, ghosts made of half-slices of banana and chocolate sauce and small oranges that have a small piece of celery on the top to make the shape of a pumpkin. These snacks are made with healthy ingredients and are perfect for children.

Pumpkin Risotto From The Pioneer Woman


This savory dish takes the pumpkin to a new level, which the website boasts will have a "delicious payoff." Perfect for a sit-down meal before trick-or-treating or a more formal dinner party, the Pioneer Woman's risotto recipe claims to be an easy and stress-free way to bring Italian cuisine in line with one of fall's favorite foods.

Food Network's Halloween Chocolate Covered Strawberries https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/halloween-chocolate-covered-strawberries-11558352

The Food Network lists a recipe for chocolate-covered strawberries shaped like familiar holiday staples: ghosts, pumpkins and a gremlin-like green monster for intermediate-level cooks. Though the challenge level suggests difficulty, the recipe walks you through the process of creating a wholesome dessert that yielded "three dozen" results.