She may be a future Queen Consort and seen as a role model when it comes to how members of the royal family are expected to act. However, that doesn’t mean Kate Middleton is always having an easy time while completing her royal duties.

According to reports, one event the royals attend each year could potentially make the Duchess of Cambridge uncomfortable and give her some anxiety, as she can’t properly enjoy the event due to her allergies. Express UK reports that the Duchess has an allergy to horses, which makes events like the Royal Ascot more uncomfortable and challenging as a result.

The confession about her allergy came while she attended a charity polo match in 2008, where she revealed to Australian author Kathy Lette that she was watching the game from a small tent on the corner of the field because of her allergies.

When she didn’t explain to the author why she was sitting by herself and away from a party in the next tent, Lette reportedly then asked her why she didn’t play polo on her own, which led to Middleton revealing that she was, in fact, allergic to horses.

Unfortunately, the uncomfortable allergy is one she needs to contend with at times because the rest of the royal family, specifically the Queen, Princess Anne and Zara Phillips, are all avid riders with the latter two also accomplished equestrians in their own right. In addition, her husband, Prince William, and brother-in-law, Prince Harry, are also avid polo players. Despite having an allergy to the animals used at these events, Middleton seems to bear it and attend with a smile on her face.

However, while she may still go to events despite some discomfort, she likely won’t ever be caught testing things out by riding a horse and joining the Queen on one of her own rides, since she never learned as a child. It could also be a blessing for her, however, as it was previously reported that Queen Elizabeth wasn’t overly keen about a certain topic being mentioned whenever someone joined her for a ride recently.

News broke in September that claimed the clean had allegedly banned anyone riding with her from talking about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, but it was later revealed that the decision wasn’t made out of disappointment over her grandson and his wife, but rather because she didn’t want to seem like she was “playing favorites” with who she spoke about.

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton are pictured on a five-day visit to Pakistan. AFP/Aamir QURESHI