The Lulzsec ship has found its next victim: the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The hacker group, which has made quite a name for itself in the past month for its various attacks on government institutions and large corporations, have exposed private documents from Arizona's public safety department. This material includes training manuals, emails and intelligence documents. Furthermore, the Arizona Department of Public Safety website,, is currently down, possibly the victim of a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS).

Arizona Department of Public Safety spokesperson Steve Harrison has told multiple media outlets that the attacks on the website are legitimate as are the leaked documents. Harrison said the agency is looking into who has done this to them.

Lulzsec hasn't taken the same kind of activist stand that its hacking collective partner, Anonymous, has had in the past. This attack on Arizona's DPS is however a distinct message against immigration reform.

We are releasing hundreds of private intelligence bulletins, training manuals, personal email correspondence, names, phone numbers, addresses and passwords belonging to Arizona law enforcement. We are targeting AZDPS specifically because we are against SB1070 and the racial profiling anti-immigrant police state that is Arizona, Lulzsec said in a press release.

Lulzsec said it plans on releasing more documents to expose the racist and corrupt nature of military and law enforcement. They also said it's to purposefully sabotage their efforts to terrorize communities fighting an unjust 'war on drugs.'

Along with various administrative documents, the leaked material includes an objective, political rant in an email circular from within the Arizona Department of Safety. The rant talks about the immigration problem in the U.S. and wants to build a higher and deeper fence and tighten border control. Other intriguing documents talk about police protocol in various situations, including off duty.

Along with the documents, the hackers also produced emails and passwords of seven officers from the Arizona Department of Public Safety. Likely, the documents have come mainly from the seven police officer sources.

Follow Gabriel Perna on Twitter at @GabrielSPerna