National Caregivers Day is observed on the third Friday of February every year to honor the selfless people, who spend their time looking after persons with special medical needs.

Doctors and nurses at the hospital or assisted living facilities are trusted with the noble task of serving humanity, and so are the caregivers, who don't always get their due credit.

What is the duty of a caregiver?

The core duty of a caregiver is to provide all-around assistance to anybody who has availed of their service. They are tasked with giving them food and medication at the designated time, and helping them live as independently as possible. A caregiver can be a community volunteer, a paid professional, and even a family member.

History of the day

It's important to note that around 40 million caregivers provide care to 16.6% of Americans in the U.S.. With those figures in mind, people who benefit from the facility--especially the terminally ill, the elderly, and patients with chronic conditions--are urged to recognize the labor of love on this day.

Despite the caregivers putting in their best efforts to make a real difference in someone's health, they often feel invisible. For this reason, in 2015, the Providers Association for Home Health & Hospice Agencies established the third Friday in February as National Caregivers Day--an occasion that gives caregivers recognition and appreciation.

Here are some quotes for the caregivers to share on social media, and thank them for their service.

  • "There are only four kinds of people in the world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are currently caregivers. Those who will be caregivers, and those who will need a caregiver."-- Rosalyn Carter
  • "My caregiver mantra is to remember: The only control you have is over the changes you choose to make."-- Nancy L Kriseman
  • "The closest thing to being cared for is to care for someone else."-- Carson McCullers
  • "There will come a time when your loved one is gone, and you will find comfort in the fact that you were their caregiver."-- Karen Coetzer
  • "Caregivers attract caregivers and live in a community of love. They are energized by their caring, fulfilled, and they love life."-- Gary Zukav
An elderly person.
Representation. An elderly person holding a cane. Alexas_Fotos/Pixabay