National Garlic Day, which falls on April 19, is aimed at spreading awareness about the health benefits of consuming the vegetable on a daily basis.

Commonly known as a food flavoring herb, garlic has a wealth of medicinal properties. Its use goes as far back as the early Greek times when the athletes supposedly derived strength and immunity from consuming it. Interestingly, garlic was used during the early Egyptian period as currency due to its supreme demand.

While many people steer clear of garlic due to its pungent aroma, doctors believe its consumption has many benefits including improving the heart health and supplying the body with essential minerals such as copper, iron, magnesium, germanium, zinc and selenium.

Here are some benefits of consuming garlic every day:

  • Fights cold and flu and cough
  • Prevents sore throat
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Lowers bad cholesterol levels
  • Kills pinworms/parasites

For those who avoid garlic due to its strong aroma, here are five ways in which you can consume it every day without having to deal with the pungency.

Drink garlic tea: Infuse your morning tea with the juice from half a bulb of garlic, and drink it to keep your digestive system on track and boost immunity.

Toast: Mince or crush garlic and spread it onto your toasted bread layered with cheese. Garlic tastes great when combined with cheese, and this is a great way to slather some healthy goodness over your breakfast bite.

Swallow raw garlic: Make it a ritual to swallow raw garlic with water in the morning. It will not cause bad breath.

Use garlic powder in your food: To compensate for your daily garlic requirement, use a spoonful of garlic powder in your salsa or pesto and unlock good health forever!

garlic is good for the heart and can increase life expectancy
garlic is good for the heart and can increase life expectancy congerdesign - Pixabay