Fortnite's latest client/patch update only goes to show that Epic Games is on the verge of revolutionizing shooting games as we know it.

Patch v10.10 is not a full-blown update. Rather, it just tweaked the previous patch by introducing the new Junk Rift and changed “an old location.”

The Junk Rift is one way of letting players go up against the B.R.U.T.E., which can really be headache hadn't nerfed it. It may or may not level the playing field, but it can at least give players an edge over the gargantuan mech.

Polygon described the Junk Rift to be something that came out of the Air Strike's blue print. The former, which debuted during the release of v9.30. While the Air Strike is a “little can of colored smoke” that bombards an area with 20 missiles, the Junk Rift is a throwable object that opens, well, a rift at a certain location and “spawn a giant piece of debris” that will come crashing down to the ground.

It sounds straightforward, but it's weapons like these that makes Fortnite unpredictable – and enjoyable. Fortnite Insider, who was among the first to have the Junk Rift rumor leaked, said that there are four different items that will come out of the rift: an anchor, port-o-potty, a dinosaur and a police vehicle.

The Junk Rift leak was made courtesy of dataminer iFireMonkey.

A video posted by Engadget showed a dinosaur (a Triceratops, to be exact) when a player threw a Junk Rift on an opposing B.R.U.T.E. It completely destroyed the robot, which went up and flames while the player did the dance.

Epic removed video capture feature on "Fortnite" for the Nintendo Switch. Epic Games

The object (whatever it may be) will destroy everything in its path while creating a small shockwave “that damages players and destroys everything in its radius” upon landfall. A direct hit will spell 200 damage and a slight knock back, while the shockwave deals 100 damage. It will, Polygon added, “destroy vehicles and destructible objects on impact.” It will drop in stacks of two and should come in in a max stack size of 4.

The Junk Rift can also drop a random thing when they spawn. These could stretch anywhere from ammo, a weapon or a giant object players “can farm for materials.”

Players can find the Epic Rarity Junk Rift (the photo hardly poses a threat) in Floor Loot, Chests, Supply Drops and Llamas.