Sony has announced the new set of free games for the PlayStation Plus subscribers this June 2019. Gearbox Software’s “Borderlands: The Handsome Collection” and the widely successful “Sonic Mania” made by Sega and the hedgehog’s fans. Here’s what we know about these games.

"Borderlands: The Handsome Collection"

Gearbox Software’s “Borderlands: The Handsome Collection” has all of the known “Borderlands” titles under one bundle. The bundle contains three “Borderlands” entries namely the first “Borderlands,” “Borderlands 2,” and the “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.” All of these games have all its DLC contents bundled in this collection which allows fans to just play and progress without accounting for the extra content.

Additionally, this collection can help new users get acquainted with the series as the next “Borderlands 3” is expected to be released this September 2019. The upcoming game will play similarly to the previous games but will be more improved when it comes new controls, loot, and character ability customization. Even for new players, “Borderlands” can be a fun experience as its story barely takes itself seriously aside from its major plot points.

"Sonic Mania"

For a long while, fans noted that Sega has lost touch in making a good Sonic game for a long time. In “Sonic Mania,” Sega has worked with the fans to make this game. Compared to the latest Sonic entries, “Sonic Mania” is not only popular to the fans but also to the players who just got into this fast-paced platformer.

“Sonic Mania” delivers much of the earlier Sonic entries where players will have to traverse stages full of enemies and traps. Even though the areas look dangerous, all of the playable stages are built to be enjoyed to run through it in blazing speeds or proceed slowly to collect some rings and other loot.

Players can expect the best out of this highly polished Sonic entry.

Aside from US, the Asia and Europe PlayStation Plus free games also offers the same set of games. At best, players from any country can expect to enjoy the multiplayer features of “Borderlands Handsome Collection” if they’ve subscribed to PlayStation Plus.

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Pictured: PlayStation Plus free downloadable games and wallpapers for June 2019. Sony/PlayStation Asia