• President Donald Trump interacted with two of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's aides, who were tested positive for the coronavirus
  • Brazil's chargé d'affairs Ambassador Nestor Forster and press secretary Fabio Wajngarten spent time with the POTUS at his Mar-a-Lago resort last week
  • White House doctor Sean P. Conley clarified that President Donald Trump does not need to take a test for coronavirus

President Donald Trump was exposed to COVID-19 coronavirus after he dined with a person who was tested positive for the novel virus. The POTUS had an interaction with two of the aides of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who were later tested positive for the virus, while hosting the delegation at his resort at Mar-a-Lago last week.

The Brazilian embassy in the U.S. confirmed, on Friday, that the state’s chargé d'affairs Ambassador Nestor Forster and press secretary Fabio Wajngarten turned up positive, per CNBC. Forster shared he would be prolonging a self-quarantine for two weeks.

Avid supporters of the president raised concerns about the potential effects of exposure to Trump. However, White House doctor Sean P. Conley clarified that the POTUS does not need to take a test to determine if he is positive for coronavirus. The physician to the president claimed both Forster and Wajngarten are considered “low risk” as they were not showing symptoms at the time they met with the president.

"The President's exposure to the first individual was extremely limited (photograph, handshake) and though he spent more time in closer proximity to the second case, all interactions occurred before any symptom onset," Conley said in a statement, per The Star. “Though he spent more time in closer proximity with the second case, all interactions occurred before any symptom onset. There is no indication for home quarantine at this time. Additionally, given the President himself is without symptoms, testing for COVID-19 is not currently indicated,” he went on.

Also on Friday, Trump said he will “most likely” get tested for the COVID-19 coronavirus. "I think I will do it anyway. We are working out a schedule,” he told the members of the press. However, the POTUS did not promise to share the test results.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization declared, on Wednesday, that the coronavirus spreading across the world is a pandemic. It revealed that there are, approximately, 118,000 cases of COVID-19 in 114 countries around the globe. At present, there are large outbreaks of the virus in Italy, South Korea and the U.S.

“We are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction. We have called every day for countries to take urgent and aggressive action,” Tedros Adhanom, director general of the WHO, stated during the announcement. He highlighted, however, that the spread of the virus is still controllable.