Queen Elizabeth II used to trick Queen Mother for a reason.

The members of the royal family enjoy formal dinners when they are in Balmoral for their summer holiday. However, just like any regular families, getting everyone down for dinner on time can be challenging. Queen Elizabeth II herself experienced this, too.

However, unlike most families were youngsters caused the problems, in Her Majesty’s case, it was her mom. Queen Mother was reportedly always late in getting down for dinner and it got so bad that the Queen decided to use a trick so that her mom would arrive for dinner on time with the rest of the family members.

“Dinner was at 8:30pm in Balmoral when Her Majesty the Queen Mother was in attendance,” former royal chef Darren McGrady revealed. “They used to tell her that dinner was at 8:15, and she’d be the last one down. They told everyone else 8:30 because they knew she’d be late.”

Aside from being late during dinner, the Queen had other concerns about her mom and this was the latter’s spending habits. According to the 2019 documentary “Secrets of the Royal,” Meghan Markle’s spending is actually “pale” in comparison to Queen Elizabeth II’s mother. Royal correspondent Ingrid Seward said that Queen Mother had a great style and she never considered the price of anything because she just wanted to look wonderful and she was very generous especially to her guests. Queen Mother wanted the people around her to enjoy.

Royal author Katie Nicholl supported Seward’s statements. According to her, the guests at Royal Lodge, the Queen Mother’s residence in Windsor, would have their clothes packed in tissue paper by royal aides. Also, Queen Mother would have their cars waxed and polished.

Queen Mother’s spending was so great that it amounted to $2.6 million a year. As a result, the Queen had to subsidize her living expenses.

Prince Charles was not very close to his own mom growing up because the Queen was busy with her royal duties. However, the heir apparent had a special bond with Queen Mother. In fact, the future king confessed that his grandmother meant everything to him and he dreaded the day she passed away.

Queen Elizabeth with the Queen Mother
The Queen Mother was a faithful member of the Church of England. After death, she was baptized as a Mormon. GERRY PENNY/AFP/Getty Images