Queen Mother was quite angry at Prince Andrew at one point.

According to royal author Ross Benson in his book “Charles: The Untold Story,” Queen Mother was incensed at Prince Andrew for taking part in the show “It’s a Royal Knockout.” She even summoned the Duke of York after the event. Queen Elizabeth II’s mother was angry because Prince Andrew’s participation together with the other royals like Prince Edward on the TV show “reduced the royals to the ranks of second-rate comedians.”

“The Queen Mother’s face was white with rage and she reminded her grandchild of the Abdication and the danger that had posed to the monarchy,” Benson wrote.

“She told Andrew: ‘The King, George VI, and I spent years building up the reputation of the monarchy and you, in one evening have destroyed the monarchy's reputation’.”

According to Ingrid Seward, the Queen did not like the sight of Prince Andrew grinning insanely. She was also upset with Prince Edward dressing up as a joker in a yellow plumed hat. Due to the same incident, Prince Edward’s reputation suffered.

Seward said that the issue remains a sensitive subject for Prince Edward. She brought the issue to the Earl of Wessex once and she felt that he was agitated.

“When I mentioned the programme to him I happened to call it ‘disastrous’. In a voice edged with irritation, he quickly interposed: ‘It wasn’t disastrous,’” Seward wrote.

The Earl of Wessex questioned Seward for calling it “disastrous” when it raised over a million pounds for charity and is still raising money. However, according to the royal biographer, “for all the money raised and all Edward’s undoubted commitment to raising it, the lingering feeling is once of incredulity blended in equal measure with embarrassment.”

Despite the issues in the past, Prince Andrew remains to be Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite son. Just recently, the Queen was spotted with the Duke of York on the way to church to attend a Sunday service. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Andrew were joined by Princess Beatrice.

According to other sources, Sarah Ferguson is also in Balmoral. The Queen has already approved of her and Prince Andrew’s romance. However, they are determined to keep their relationship under wraps, so they traveled to Scotland separately.

Queen Mother, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, Sarah Ferguson, Princess Diana, Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, Lord Linley, Prince Edward, Prince Charles and Princess Diana outside Clarence House on Aug. 4, 1989. Getty Images/Johnny Eggitt