‘Return To Amish’ Jeremiah Raber Arrested For Domestic Abuse, Are He And Carmela Still Married?

In a shocking twist that won’t be played out in front of the cameras ahead of TLC’s upcoming new season of “Return To Amish,” star Jeremiah Raber has once again found himself in trouble with the law. This time, the star of the show was arrested for domestic violence against his wife, Carmela Raber, who he married in 2016.
According to Starcasm, Jeremiah was arrested in Florida on Saturday for abuse towards Carmela, and the police report indicates that Carmela claimed the particular incident mentioned in the arrest wasn't the first time things became abusive in the marriage.
“On the above date and time [April 22, 2017 at 2:30 PM] during a verbal dispute the defendant did purposefully throw hot coffee onto the lap of his wife. The defendant did make several threats to cause harm [redacted] during the argument,” the report reads. “The victim did show me several large bruises on her legs and arms that were caused from the defendant striking her with a closed fist. The victim stated that the defendant strikes her on a daily basis. The defendant and the victim have been residing together [redacted] for the past year.”
Read: Everything We Know About The New Season Of “Return To Amish”
Jeremiah was later released, and shared updates on Facebook about the situation, where he claimed to be getting counseling and admitted he still loved Carmela, but he had issues stemming from a childhood which involved being left by his birth mother, and adopted into an abusive Amish home where he never felt good enough.
“...We have had so much hurt and struggles in our marriage because I myself growing up had never experienced what real love was and because of that even tho I was married I kept looking to people on my Facebook for approval of everything that I did,” he wrote in a lengthy post. “That has ruined my relationship and marriage with my true love. I know that the way I come off to my wife is not a loving way but all I want is her approval. After having it drilled in my head my entire life that I will never amount to anything in life I have overlooked the love and looked just for approval. I got married to Carmela because I do love her even when I got mad at her. Me wanting approval so bad has made be overlook the love. I wish I could take it all back but I can’t. I wish that I had the chance now to show her that I do need her love and not approval. I guess my mother was right. I’ll never amount to anything. I am nothing without the love of my life. I do love you Carmela.”
Carmela also shared a post on her Facebook page, which has since appeared to be deleted.
“Have you ever just wanted to cry... I don’t even know what I’m doing I feel so unappreciated...I’m out of confidence, I feel alone, I’m tired,” she wrote. “...I know what I need to do I just need to be empowered.”
Since then, Jeremiah has shared on his page that Carmela got a restraining order against him, and also seems to be indicating that she has had an abusive streak against him as well, in a series of additional posts.
“I can’t talk to my wife to see if things can be worked on and cys called and wants to talk to me now. If I can’t stay at the house with my wife or even know what the plan is then why should I lie for her? Why shouldn’t I straight up say how it is. I’m sure they’ll really like it since the electric is prepaid and runs out tonight,” he wrote in one post.
He also seemed to respond to an article which indicated that Carmela was leaving him, where he further claimed that she had also been abusive towards him.
No other public statements appear to have been made by either Jeremiah or Carmela. There has also been no comment from TLC about the situation and if it will affect the show.
“Return to Amish” season four premieres Sunday April 30 at 8 p.m. on TLC.
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