President Donald Trump again condemned Fox News for a new poll revealing a record number of Americans now want him impeached and fired from his job in the wake of the festering Ukraine scandal.

The poll released Thursday by Fox News Research shows a new high of 51 percent of Americans want Trump impeached and removed from office. A further four percent want Trump impeached but not removed. Forty percent oppose impeachment altogether.

These results are a marked turnaround in sentiment against Trump from the last poll, in July, also conducted by Fox News Research. This poll shows 42 percent favoring impeachment and removal. Five percent said impeach but don’t remove Trump while 45 percent opposed impeachment.

The new poll shows that since July, support for impeaching Trump has jumped among voters of all political persuasions. It rose 11 points among Democrats, 5 points among Republicans and 3 points among independents.

Support for Trump's impeachment also increased among some of Trump’s key support groups such as white evangelical Christians (+5 points); white men without a college degree (+8); and rural whites (+10).

The new Fox poll also reveals more Democrats (85 percent) favor impeaching Trump than those who say his call with Ukraine’s president is an impeachable offense (76 percent). Thirty nine percent of independents favor impeachment, while 30 percent see the Ukraine call as impeachable.

Trump reacted with predictable anger at this tsunami of bad poll numbers.

“Whoever their Pollster is, they suck,” tweeted Trump.

“From the day I announced I was running for President, I have NEVER had a good @FoxNews Poll. Whoever their Pollster is, they suck. But @FoxNews is also much different than it used to be in the good old days.”

Trump also said Fox News “doesn’t deliver for US anymore.”

Trump's latest condemnation of Fox News Research stands in contrast to the praise he still lavishes on Fox News, especially Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, and the Trump-friendly "Fox and Friends" news commentary program, which he says is his favorite TV program.

The results of this newest Fox Research poll are even worse for Trump than the results released by other pollsters Trump has always said are biased against him.

A Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found 45 percent of registered voters want Trump impeached; 49 percent oppose this move. Last week, the results were 47 percent to 47 percent on the same questions. It was 37 percent for impeachment and 57 percent against in July.

Also Tuesday, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll reveals that 43 percent of Americans believe Trump should be impeached and removed from office. This compares to 49 percent that oppose impeachment.

While the news division at Fox keeps a straighter line, some key Fox commentators like Sean Hannity (left) seemingly work in lockstep with President Donald Trump
While the news division at Fox keeps a straighter line, some key Fox commentators like Sean Hannity (left) seemingly work in lockstep with President Donald Trump GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Ethan Miller