President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with members of the Senate Finance Committee and his economic team in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, DC. Getty Images/ AFP/ Mandel Ngan

President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have hit an all-time low, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Sunday.

The poll said that just 38 percent of Americans approve of the job the president is doing, while 58 percent disapprove. The poll has a margin of error of 3.3 percent and was conducted among 900 people between Oct. 23 and 26.

This is Trump’s lowest approval rating for this poll. His last low was a 39 percent approval rating in May. Last month Trump had a 43 percent approval rating.

According to the pollsters, this is the lowest approval rating for a modern president at this point in his term. The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll had George W. Bush at 88 percent, Barack Obama at 51 percent and Bill Clinton at 47 percent at this point in their presidencies.

Democratic pollster Fred Yang of Hart Research Associates and Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies conducted the survey.

“This is his worst showing of his young presidency so far,” said Yang to NBC News Sunday.

Trump’s personality ratings also took a hit, dipping even lower than his job approval rating. Only 36 percent of American view Trump positively while 54 percent view him negatively. In September, 39 percent viewed him positively, while 49 percent viewed him negatively.

Trump’s poll numbers come after a month when he created a controversy around how he interacts with the families of killed U.S. soldiers. Earlier this month Trump was asked why he hadn’t spoken about the deaths of four soldiers killed in Niger. In response, Trump claimed that he calls every family of a soldier who had died and that his predecessors did not. Trump’s claim turned out to not be true.

A phone call with the family of Sgt. La David Johnson who was killed in Niger also was a point of contention for Trump this month. Johnson’s family said that the president was upsetting and that he said the soldier knew what he signed up for.

Trump also had two prominent members of his party publicly and forcefully criticize him. Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee and Jeff Flake of Arizona who are both retiring each attacked the president.

The poll also measures how the president has handled recent actions. Trump’s highest approval rating was for his handling disaster relief of the recent hurricanes in Florida and Texas, 48 percent of Americans approved. The handling of the hurricane aftermath in Puerto Rico only got a 29 percent approval rating. Trump scored a 42 percent approval of his handling of the economy. His lowest approval rating was for his handling of the Iran nuclear agreement which only got a 24 percent approval rating.

President Donald Trump speaks during an event in the Oval Office of the White House Oct. 24, 2017, in Washington. Alex Wong/Getty Images